LPS Global School Noida Uncategorized Experiential Learning – Only Way to Transform

Experiential Learning – Only Way to Transform


Experiential learning focuses on the idea that the best way to learn things is by actually having experiences. Those experiences then stick out in our minds and help us retain information and remember facts.

As per global studies across students, professionals, and officials, the levels of knowledge gained by an average person are 10% of what they read, 20% of what they listen to, 50% of what they watch, and 80% of what they do.

Hence is the importance of experiments and simulation in any learning and training environment. However, at times these are carried out in controlled environments which do not provide full exposure to real experience.

David Kolb published the experiential learning model in 1984. Kolb’s theory works in four stages – concrete learning where a learner gets a new experience, reflective observation where a learner reflects on their experience personally, abstract conceptualization where the learner forms new ideas, and active experimentation where the learner applies the new ideas in situations around them. The first two stages of the cycle involve grasping an experience, and the second two focus on transforming an experience. Kolb argues that effective learning is seen as the learner goes through the cycle and that they can enter into the cycle at any time.

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The experiential learning cycle rests on the idea that each person has specific types of learning tendencies, and they are thus dominant in certain stages of experiential learning. For example, some learners will be more dominant in concrete learning and reflective observation, while others will be dominant in abstract conceptualization and active experimentation.

There are many ways that experiential learning is used every day. Some examples could be going to the zoo to learn about animals through observation or growing a garden to learn about photosynthesis, or hopping on a bicycle to try and learn to ride, instead of listening to your parent explain the concept

There are many benefits of Experiential learning. It provides an opportunity to immediately apply knowledge which helps in the retention of the information better. It promotes teamwork as it often involves working in a team. Improves motivation, since students are more motivated and excited about learning in experiential settings.

LPS Global, the best school in Noida, provides students an opportunity to spend time reflecting on what they are experiencing and learning. Students can greatly benefit from learning that helps them prepare for the real world. As it is focused on using real situations to help students learn, they are then better prepared for their future.

In all learning setups, there are many ways to incorporate experiential learning through field trips, art projects, science experiments, mock cities and trials, role-playing, internships, and interactive classroom games.

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